Potiche (15)
Monday 3rd November 2014
Audience reaction

Doors and bar open 7pm, film starts 8pm
The Twinning Association are holding a special fundraiser screening of Potiche.
It's 1977 and Catherine Deneuve plays Suzanne, a trophy wife whose imperious and philandering husband runs an umbrella factory. During a strike he suffers a heart attack so she takes over the business with great success, but problems appear in the form of her two grown up children, her recuperated husband and Babin, an old flame and now a left-wing mayor, played by Gerard Depardieu.
Note: French with English subtitles
"Catherine Deneuve is on magnificent form -- singing and dancing! -- in François Ozon's comedy of female emancipation in the 1970s." Independent
"It is a period pastiche executed with brilliant attention to detail and a weird, suppressed passion, like a sitcom in a bad dream." Guardian
Tickets cost £4 for adults and £2 for under 18s, and are available online now or on the door if not already sold out.
Screening details
Date: 3 November 2014
Time: Doors and bar open 7pm, film starts 8pm
Film details
Year: 2010
Country: France
Director: François Ozon
Cast: Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Fabrice Luchini, Karin Viard
Certificate: 15
Length: 103 min