Africa United (12A)
Monday 28th February 2011
Audience reaction

Doors and bar open 7pm, film starts 8pm
Meal Deal available at the Royal Oak Inn, Lostwithiel. Ring 01208 872552 to book your film tickets and table.
Our February film was Africa United, the story of three Rwandan children who decide to travel 3000 miles and cross 7 countries to reach the World Cup in South Africa. On the way they face dangers, find adventure and make new friends.
£200 was raised at this screening for the Billy Riordan Memorial Trust, a charity which finances a clinic in rural Malawi serving 15,000 people. In addition Lost In Film donated £50 to Rug Aid, a CIC which teaches blind people and their families in the Gambia new skills so they can support themselves.
Cat Brewer gave a short talk before the film about her experiences of working in the Billy Riordan Memorial clinic. Watch Cat's talk about her experiences of the Billy Riordan Clinic in Malawi:
With spirited performances by the lead actors and vivid backdrops, Africa United has been described as Slumdog Millionaire set in Africa. It's a feel-good movie with serious underlying messages.
Total Film said "director Debs Gardner-Paterson gets disarming performances from her young leads and the soundtrack is terrific" while Radio Times said "the intention to make a film about the "real" Africa that's not all doom and gloom can't be faulted".
Africa United was shown on Monday 28th February, at the Church Rooms, Church Lane, Lostwithiel.
Tickets cost £4 for adults and £2 for under 18s, and can be bought online from this page, in advance from Watts Trading or on the door if not already sold out.
Screening details
Date: 28 February 2011
Time: Doors and bar open 7pm, film starts 8pm
Film details
Year: 2010
Country: UK, South Africa, Rwanda
Director: Debs Paterson
Cast: Eriya Ndayambaje, Roger Jean Nsengiyumva, Sanyu Joanita Kintu, Yves Dusenge
Certificate: 12A
Length: 88 min